Fori Paleo Meat Protein Bars Review

Recently thanks to the generous guys at Fori, i was given a chance to review their meat based, paleo style protein bars.

I was really excited to review these protein bars from Fori, given how different they are nutritionally to most other commercial protein bars on the market, which are usually based around either whey or soy proteins.

As far as im aware, Fori are one of the first grass-fed meat based, paleo protein bars of this style on the market.

Fori bars are paleo influenced and are based around the finest grass-fed & free-range meat, fruit, herbs, seeds and spices.

Each Fori savoury meat bar contains 20 grams of high quality protein from grass-fed/free-range meat sources.

Fori protein bars come in four different flavours including Chilli Beef, Moroccan Lamb, Piri Piri Chicken and Thai Turkey.

Fori protein bars are also gluten and nut free, so are suitable for individuals with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Some pictures of the Fori paleo, savoury meat protein bars below.


I really enjoyed these meat protein bars from Fori and believe they offer great, clean nutrition.

Im not a great fan of most commercial protein bars on the supplement and bodybuilding market, mainly for the reason that they often contain unhealthy ingredients or excessive amounts of sugar.

From a nutritional point of view, you can’t fault the Fori protein bars at all.  They provide clean, paleo style nutrition and from high quality, grass-fed and/or free-range sources.

These Fori protein bars will especially be of interest to other athletes, bodybuilders and weight lifters, who require access to high quality and clean protein sources.

My favorite flavour was probably the Chilli Beef, which was excellent, although i really enjoyed the Piri Piri Chicken too.



£11.96 for “The Explorer Pack” – 4x protein bars (one each of chilli beef, thai turkey, piri piri chicken and moroccan lamb)

Where To Purchase & More Information

For more information or to purchase Fori’s great paleo, meat protein bars, visit their Official website at – Fori Bars – Savoury Meat Protein Bars
