“Leaky Gut”, Increased Intestinal Permeability & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A number of studies have now found disturbances in the gut microflora, increased intestinal permeability(leaky gut), mucosal barrier dysfunction and gut inflammation to be common in individuals with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

During my research on gastrointestinal disorders and the potential link to CFS, I stumbled upon a very interesting study paper, which found that normalization of leaky gut resulted in clinical improvement in CFS patients.

Systemic inflammation and oxidative & nitrosative stress (IO&NS) disorders have also been well documented in CFS patients and may play a role in the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Leaky gut syndrome may go a long way to partially explaining the inflammatory component of CFS.

If “leaky gut syndrome” does turn out to be a common factor in CFS sufferers, then there are a number of natural remedies which have been shown to help prevent and treat increased intestinal permeability such as the amino acid L-Glutamine, the mineral Zinc and probiotics to restore the gut microflora balance.

Normalization of leaky gut in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is accompanied by a clinical improvement

Leaky Gut Syndrome & ME/CFS

The study published in 2008 in the Neuro Endocrinology Letters found:

There is now evidence that an increased translocation of LPS from gram-negative bacteria with subsequent gut-derived inflammation, i.e. induction of systemic inflammation and oxidative & nitrosative stress (IO&NS), is a new pathway in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

The present study examines the serum concentrations of IgA and IgM to LPS of gram-negative enterobacteria, i.e. Hafnia Alvei; Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Morganella Morganii, Pseudomonas Putida, Citrobacter Koseri, and Klebsielle Pneumoniae in CFS patients both before and after intake of natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative substances (NAIOSs), such as glutamine, N-acetyl cysteine and zinc, in conjunction with a leaky gut diet during 10-14 months.

We measured the above immune variables as well as the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Rating Scale in 41 patients with CFS before and 10-14 months after intake of NAIOSs.


Subchronic intake of those NAIOSs significantly attenuates the initially increased IgA and IgM responses to LPS of gram-negative bacteria.

Up to 24 patients showed a significant clinical improvement or remission 10-14 months after intake of NAIOSs.

A good clinical response is significantly predicted by attenuated IgA and IgM responses to LPS, the younger age of the patients, and a shorter duration of illness (< 5 years).

The results show that normalization of the IgA and IgM responses to translocated LPS may predict clinical outcome in CFS.

The results support the view that a weakened tight junction barrier with subsequent gut-derived inflammation is a novel pathway in CFS and that it is a new target for drug development in CFS. Meanwhile, CFS patients with leaky gut can be treated with specific NAIOSs and a leaky gut diet.


[1] Normalization of leaky gut in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is accompanied by a clinical improvement: effects of age, duration of illness and the translocation of LPS from gram-negative bacteria.


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