My 3-Month MitoQ® 5mg Supplement Review Log

This week I have a special health product review for the blog which is the highly rated mitochondrial/antioxidant support supplement MitoQ.

Before I start the post, I would like to say a huge thanks to the team at MitoQ for kindly providing me with a three month supply of MitoQ, so I could give the product a thorough and proper review.

What is MitoQ or Mitoquinone Mesylate?

What is MitoQ?

MitoQ is the world’s first mitochondria-rejuvenating CoQ10 antioxidant.

  • MitoQ® is a shortened form of the antioxidant ubiquinol (CoQ10) with the addition of an ion called Triphenylphosphonium, which gives it a positive charge.
  • These two modifications enable MitoQ® to pass through the mitochondrial membrane where it provides a payload of free radical defense and helps optimize the energy production process.

MitoQ describe their product as:

  • Unique formula designed to support healthy energy levels, organ function, mental focus and overall wellbeing.
  • Delivers targeted CoQ10 antioxidant support to your mitochondria – the power plants of your cells – to help your organs perform at their best.
  • Breakthrough wellness technology that is absorbed by your mitochondria hundreds of times more effectively than regular CoQ10 supplements.
  • Supports our natural ability to combat the harmful effects of free radicals and the damage they can cause to our bodies.

MitoQ also produce a range of other enhanced specific formulations such as heart, blood sugar, liver, joint support etc, which include other synergistic nutraceuticals such as curcumin, l-carnitine, magnesium, vitamin D3, cinnamon, chromium picolinate and many more.

For the past three months I have been reviewing and logging my experience taking two capsules of 5mg MitoQ daily.


I should probably start my review by going back to the beginning of how I got interested in Coenzyme Q10 supplements in the first place.

Many years ago I had been suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome/ME type symptoms for about a decade by this point and had decided that I would do my own diagnostic tests which included plasma Coenzyme Q10.

Not surprisingly, my plasma Coenzyme Q10 test came back severely deficient and from there I began experimenting with many different types of Coenzyme Q10 supplements including Ubiquinol and experiencing significant improvements in my symptoms/health and overall well-being.

One type of CoQ10 I hadn’t tried of course was MitoQ(Mitoquinone Mesylate), so I was very eager to see how this third-generation unique form compared to other types of Coenzyme Q10.

The most significant benefit of MitoQ for myself over the three months was a substantial boost in exercise capcity and tolerance.

As many individuals with CFS will know, exercise intolerance is one of the hallmarks of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, developing post exertional malaise/crashing and so on.  The significant increase in exercise capacity was noticed in as little as a couple of days of taking MitoQ.

Coenzyme Q10 supplements have been one of the best alternative treatments that have increased my exercise capacity over the years and reduced symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

However, MitoQ seems to be even more potent in this area when it comes to improving exercise intolerance.  It is very similar to the benefits I get from another antioxidant supplement called Pycnogenol, but MitoQ appears to be even stronger in this regard.  I suspect that oxidative stress must likely play a key role in the exercise intolerance seen in CFS/ME and that MitoQ is likely attenuating this.

The next most significant benefit I noticed from taking MitoQ was an almost instantaneous vasodilatory/endothelial/nitric oxide type boost that you get with supplements such as Pycnogenol, L-Arginine etc.  But MitoQ seems to be even more potent in this area once again.  There is actually a recent study which found MitoQ to improve vascular function in adults.

“Brachial artery flow–mediated dilation was 42% higher after MitoQ versus placebo (P<0.05); the improvement was associated with amelioration of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species–related suppression of endothelial function (assessed as the increase in flow-mediated dilation with acute, supratherapeutic MitoQ [160 mg] administration; n=9; P<0.05).” [1]

Another huge difference with MitoQ over other forms of Coenzyme Q10 such as Ubiquinol is that I didn’t find MitoQ over-stimulating as I often do other forms of CoQ10.  As an individual prone to both anxiety and insomnia, high doses of even the likes of Ubiquinol can keep me awake at night, due to the stimulating and energizing nature of CoQ10.

However, MitoQ doesn’t seem to come with this side effect of being overly stimulating, so may offer an alternative option to individuals who are sensitive to CoQ10.  The feeling of increased energy is more natural, clean and less stimulative with MitoQ.  I also noticed a mild improvement in mood upon taking the MitoQ also, very subtle but noticeable mood/well-being boost.

The capsules of MitoQ are very small considering they only contain around 5mg of active ingredient per capsule, so if you have a problem swallowing large capsules as many cheap CoQ10 supplements can often be, then MitoQ is ideal.

I think next I will try the MitoQ Heart formulation that they do, which contains a few extra’s such as L-Carnitine, Magnesium and Vitamin D3.  I am a big fan of L-Carnitine, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 for managing CFS/ME symptoms and these are three nutrients that individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome are often lacking and benefit greatly from.

So with the addition of MitoQ, I am very eager to see how their MitoQ Heart formula compares to the original, which is a very potent on it’s own.

Overall I am very happy with my three month log of MitoQ and the most stand out benefit still has to be the substantial increase in exercise capacity.

Once again I would like to thank MitoQ for generously donating me three bottles so I could give the product a proper review.  As someone with virtually no income to go towards supplements it was a much appreciated gesture.

MitoQ – Amazon

The MitoQ range of supplements are available to purchase from Amazon below at:



£50.95 for 60 5mg capsules.  Discounts for larger purchases 3+.

Ingredients & Allergen Information

Active ingredient per dose (2 capsules): MitoQ (mitoquinol mesylate) 10 mg.

Also contains: Tapioca starch, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hypromellose, Silica- colloidal anhydrous, Purified water, Carrageenan, Pectin.

Where To Purchase & More Information

For more information or to purchase MitoQ, visit their Official website at: MitoQ


[1] Chronic Supplementation With a Mitochondrial Antioxidant (MitoQ) Improves Vascular Function in Healthy Older Adults

The information in this article has not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used to diagnose, cure or treat any disease, implied or otherwise.

