Performance Lab® Energy – Advanced Mitochondria Support Supplement Review

This week’s nutrition supplement review and up this time we have the Energy/Advanced Mitochondria Support formula by Performance Lab®.

Performance Lab® are a manufacturer of premium quality nutritional supplements including their Whole-Food Multi, Energy, Mind, Sleep, Prebiotic and Sport Range.

I stumbled upon Performance Lab® a few months ago when I was searching for nootropics supplements and came across their energy/mitochondrial support formula in the process.

Performance Lab® describe Energy as “Advanced mitochondrial support for cell energy and life vitality*”.

Supports: Cell ATP energy production, mitochondrial genesis and function, overall metabolic efficiency*

Designed for performance: Promotes vitality on a cellular level; stim-free mind-body energy booster; supports efficient metabolism of dietary fats and stored fats*

As an individual with CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) I am always on the lookout for new energy and mitochondria support supplements to try.

Performance Lab® Energy contains many of the top nutrients for supporting energy and mitochondria health such as Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, R-Lipoic Acid and PQQ.



Personal Experience with Performance Lab Energy after 1 month

Firstly I would like to say many thanks to Performance Lab® for kindly donating us some free samples so that I could review Energy.

I have a great deal of experience with energy/mitochondria support supplements over the years as an individual with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I feel I have a good gauge when it comes to reviewing supplements after trying so many.

Performance Lab® Energy is a a very high quality supplement based on a very good formula.  Infact all of Performance Lab’s supplements have extremely well designed formulas including bio-enhanced forms of nutrients such as R-Lipoic Acid, BioPQQ, MicroActive CoQ10 and so on.

It had been about a year since I had taken any Coenzyme Q10 supplements prior to starting Energy and even from the first capsules I could instantly feel the energy boost, reduction in fatigue and improvement in functional capacity that Coenzyme Q10 provides me.


There’s quite a few things I love about the Energy formula from Performance Lab®.  One of the main reasons is the high amount of Acetyl-L-Carnitine at 750mg per 2 capsules that Energy contains.  This is a very good amount of Acetyl-L-Carnitine and (ALCAR) is another of my favorite nutraceuticals for supporting mitochondrial function.

Coenzyme Q10

Energy contains a good dose of MicroActive® Coenzyme Q10 at 100mg per 2 capsules.  Coenzyme Q10 as mentioned above is one of my favorite dietary supplements for increasing energy.  Research shows that one dose of MicroActive® Q10 outperforms plain CoQ10, absorbing faster and releasing slowly over 24 hours for steady, sustained cell energy support.


Another thing I like about Energy is that they have included BioPQQ® aka Pyrroloquinoline Quinone at 10mg per 2 capsules, which is a great therapeutic dosage once again.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is a very interesting and unique antioxidant related to B-vitamins. It serves as a cofactor for enzymatic reactions that enable cell health and development, stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and fights oxidative stress.

You could easily pay £10-20 alone on a Pyrroloquinoline Quinone supplement, so Energy is a very cost effective and great way of getting all the basic mitochondrial support nutrients from acetyl-l-carnitine to coenzyme q10 to alpha lipoic acid to PQQ in the same supplement.

R-Lipoic Acid

Finally Energy contains Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid at a very good dose of 150mg per the 2 capsule daily dosage.  R-Lipoic Acid is a more biologically active form of ALA that offers antioxidant and mitochondrial support.

ALA is another of my favorite all round nutraceuticals for support mitochondria health and ALA has many health benefits from treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy to immuno-modulation to recycling antioxidants such as Vitamin E, C and glutathione.

After a month of using Energy daily I noticed a great increase in day-time energy levels, an increase in functional capacity, less fatigue and a general feeling of well-being that I often typically get from high quality mitochondrial support supplements.

Overall: I would definitely recommend our readers who are interested in premium quality supplements to check out Performance Lab®  range.

10/10 – Great Product





Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid, MicroActive® Q10 Coenzyme Q10, BioPQQ®, BioPerine® Black Pepper Extract (95% piperine)

Where To Purchase & More Information

For more information or to purchase Performance Lab® Energy – Advanced Mitochondria Support Supplement visit their official website at: Performance Lab® Energy – Advanced Mitochondria Support

The information in this article has not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used to diagnose, cure or treat any disease, implied or otherwise.
